Blog posts


Getting comfortable with Machine Learning on Servers

6 minute read


A lot of new members often ask around everyone about how to work with servers. I thought it would be nice if I can put everything in one place. This post will be about a list of things you need to know, and then you can google for any expanded tutorial for it. I will write based on what I have experienced and what we face daily at MIDAS Lab. If you were to take away only one useful tip from this article, it should be Be Polite to the people that are sharing the server.

First Post and what this blog is about.

less than 1 minute read


Sometimes I have a strong urge to write about things. I have started maintaining a personal journal, but sometimes I want to create new and meaningful content for everyone and sometimes banter about some personal experience. Furthermore, as a Ph.D. scholar, I want to get better at communicating my ideas, and hence this blog will be a way to do so for a long time.